Whilst Year 10 retains many aspects of the core Learning Areas studied at Years 7 to 9, there is the greater provision of choice that broadens students’ learning experiences and allows them to pursue individual interests and strengths. Year 10 is also a time when opportunities present themselves for learning beyond the classroom and school.
Year 10 students undertake their first South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) subject: the compulsory subject Personal Learning Plan (PLP). Year 10 students also undertake SACE Stage 1 Religion Studies in Semester 2.
Vocational Education programs allow students to develop transferable generic life skills, as well as nationally recognised industry standard competencies, whilst providing a window to a specific career pathway available to them in the future. A series of “taster” courses in our Western Technical College is available to Year 10 students in second semester.
Stage 1 and 2 (Years 11 and 12) of the SACE are very exciting in students’ secondary schooling journey because they provide students with diversity of subject choices, greater flexibility in their learning environment and increased opportunities to plan future pathways from school to further study and/or work. Further opportunities also present themselves for learning beyond the classroom through Vocational Education programs, including engagement in the College’s Western Technical College, potentially providing pathways into the world of work and training.
The SACE includes some compulsory elements that will equip students with the necessary skills that will enable them to be active and confident learners, workers and citizens of the future.
The SACE Stage 2 curriculum offerings provide students with a greater diversity of subjects and other learning opportunities that prepare them to confidently transition into university or TAFE, the world of work, post schooling study pathways or vocational training.
Studies at both SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2 level bring with it an even greater degree of personal responsibility and accountability for learning.